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The Amazing Health Benefits of Natural Calm Magnesium


Magnesium serves many purposes in regard to the human body, it’s an integral part of our very planet and is used in hundreds of various applications today. But more to the point, magnesium is an essential mineral used in over 300 chemical reactions inside our very body! These reactions include (although not limited to) sustaining blood vessels, maintaining heart health, producing new cells and proteins, maintaining and boosting energy levels, enabling enzyme activity, the list goes on. These biochemical activities powered by magnesium have an overall health effect on our body and on our ability to carry out ordinary tasks.

The benefits of magnesium throughout all of the body’s vital functions are numerous. These vary from nerves to cells to muscles, and magnesium is great at regulating and enhancing numerous bodily functions. These benefits include:

Treating Insomnia

Supplements of magnesium can assist in calming an uneasy mind and it makes getting a good night’s sleep much easier. Our circadian rhythm shifts as we grow older because of our decrease in the consumption of nutrients we need, which inadvertently puts a lot of people at risk of insomnia.

If a group of patients are given either magnesium supplements or a placebo for eight weeks in a randomized, double-blind trial; the group given magnesium supplements will have experienced a considerable increase in their sleep time, higher melatonin concentrations (the hormone responsible for inducing sleepiness), an easier time falling asleep, and lower levels of cortisol, the hormone that causes stress.

Helps Increase Energy

Magnesium is an essential component of energy creation in the body. It does this by activating ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This implies that a lack of magnesium causes a decrease in energy leading to fatigue.

The improper intake of magnesium also indicates that you are likely to get tired quickly and may require a higher amount of oxygen during exercise. An examination carried out by the ARS Community Nutrition Research Group observed that women who are magnesium-deficient needed more oxygen to account for the low-level activities and had increased heart rates when compared to those who had an adequate amount of magnesium.

Calms Nerves and Anxiety

Magnesium is crucial for GABA functionality, which is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that secretes “happy hormones†like serotonin. Magnesium also regulates certain hormones that are vital for relaxing the brain and promoting calmness. This is the reason why a magnesium deficiency can prompt sleeplessness or insomnia.

A magnesium deficiency can increase the release of cortisol in the cerebrum of the mice, especially when a paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (the part of the brain that controls responses to anxiety and stress) is activated.

Relieves Muscle Aches and Spasms

Magnesium plays a significant part in muscle contractions and neuromuscular signals. When you do not consume enough magnesium, your muscles could spasm. Magnesium also aids the muscles in relaxing and allows you to move around.

Furthermore, magnesium helps to balance calcium in the body, which is vital since a high concentration of calcium can cause issues associated with muscle control and heart health.

Helps with Digestion by Relieving Constipation

Magnesium aids in relaxing the muscles within the digestive tract, which thusly controls one’s ability to visit the bathroom. Since magnesium can help neutralize acid in the stomach and also move stool through the intestine, consuming magnesium supplements is an excellent way to assist in digestion.

In Tokyo, a study from the National Institute of Health and Nutrition examined the effects of magnesium in the food of 3,800 women; those who consumed less magnesium experienced a major increase in events of constipation.

Regulates Potassium, Calcium, and Sodium

Magnesium alongside other electrolytes are responsible for controlling several biochemical reactions in the body. Magnesium is responsible for the active transport of potassium and calcium ions across cell membranes, thus making magnesium crucial to the conduction of nerve impulses, regular heart rhythms, and muscle contractions.

Both magnesium and calcium help in the structural development of bones and they are both required in the synthesis of RNA, DNA, and the antioxidant glutathione.

Important for Heart Health

Magnesium is vital to heart health since the largest amount of magnesium present in the whole body is concentrated in the heart, particularly within the left ventricle. Magnesium works together with calcium to boost adequate blood levels and prevent hypertension.

Failure to balance magnesium to other minerals, such as calcium, can increase the risk of heart attack due to spasms.

Helps Prevent Osteoporosis

Magnesium plays a significant role in bone health since it influences the activities of osteoclasts and osteoblasts, both of which contribute to building healthy bones.

Magnesium also aids in maintaining the blood concentrations of vitamin D, which helps in the regulation of bone homeostasis. According to several studies, the more magnesium you consume the higher your bone mineral density is.

Prevents Migraines

Since magnesium is required for blood circulation and neurotransmitter functionality, it assists in controlling headache pain by producing pain-reducing hormones and reducing the constriction of blood (vasoconstriction), which increases blood pressure.



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