Lifestyle Medicine

Why Do Certified Health Coaches Need Additional Training In  Healthy Lifestyle Medicine?

Up to 85 cents of every dollar spent on health care in the United States pays for the treatment of conditions rooted in poor lifestyle choices. Coaches gain an understanding of the whole human health experience and become effectively trained to educate, equip and empower their clients with lifestyle choices to prevent, treat and, often, even reverse chronic and select autoimmune disease. Â There is a need for quality education and credentialing those support coaches in their individual practices or as part of a multidisciplinary team in their collective desire to promote lifestyle medicine as the primary treatment of choice. Contact us to know more about Healthy Lifestyle.

DAVID KATZ, MD, MPH, FACPM, FACP, FACLM, Immediate Past-President of the ACLM |

“Establishing a standard for health coaches in lifestyle medicine will help ensure that crucial information is consistently of the highest caliber. Coaches reach an enormous number of people, and, with standardized training in lifestyle medicine, they’ll have an enhanced ability to promote health and prevent disease. The public can be confident that certified coaches are practicing at a high standard and providing evidence-based guidance. Certified Health and Wellness Coaches who specialize in lifestyle medicine will become integral members of the lifestyle medicine practice team, contributing importantly to the treatment and even reversal of disease.”


Holistic Personal Trainer

What’s Your Current State Of Wellbeing?

Well-being is a state of optimal mind, body and soul health. These questions are focused on science-based areas which together form the foundation of our well-being. We want you to think about your well-being and what drives it, celebrate what’s going well, and perhaps tackle areas where there is potential for improvement and a healthier happier you! Now is the time to press the reset button on your health! Start by completing your FREE well-being Quiz today!